This article presents a wideband bias circuit with low parasitic inductance for high-power pulsed amplifiers. The proposed bias circuit works similarly to the traditional bias circuit in that it can ensure the transmission of microwaves from the power amplifier to the load while preventing the transmission of microwaves from the power amplifier to the power supply. By making the bias line shorter and the transmission line wider than the traditional bias circuit, the proposed bias circuit reduces its parasitic inductance. The reduction of parasitic parameters is critical for reducing the drain voltage overshoot of the high-power pulse power amplifier and ensuring its safety. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed bias circuit has a lower parasitic inductance and a wider bandwidth. To validate the theory and simulation results, the traditional and the proposed bias circuits are fabricated using microstrip circuits. Both the simulation and experimental results indicate that the proposed bias circuit has a one-third lower parasitic inductance than the traditional bias circuit. Furthermore, the proposed bias circuit has a wider bandwidth.